Spectacular win for Arne-Martin Guettler on final day in Boras!


Normen was here again to start commenting the last and final race of the Virtual SGP of Sweden, in Boras.

Antoine Havet and Stefan Langer joined him around mid-race to talk about the real SGP that saw Stefan winning the real event and winning his place in the 11th Serie SGP World Final. They talked about the atmosphere in Boras, and about the future of SGP and Virtual Gliding.

The viewers could follow a great final race of 257km with some blue thermals and small cumuluses.

The leading pilots were flying in the same gaggle, and they only started to ‘attack’ and go into full race mode after TP4, only 67km away from the finish line! Witold Rozak was the first one to turn this point, closely followed by KJ, MYR, HF8, AM, JT and KMI. We knew at that point that the winner of the day was amongst those pilots.

Witold was maybe a bit too shy when trying to get to the last turnpoint (the mandatory reporting point), and Arne-Martin Guettler decided to attack and push, in order to try to get the win of the day with the bonus of 100 points.

It was an amazing arrival to follow, and you are invited to rewatch it above (02h40:00). Witold and Kuba completed the podium of this final day!

Discover more about the overall results soon…


Witold Rozak and Arne-Martin Guettler are the first pilots to qualify to the Virtual SGP World Final 2023!


Race 5 & 6: Witold Rozak and Jeroen Jennen in good position before final race